Lancaster Golf Club Fall Classic
Date: Saturday, November 19
Time: 11am Shotgun Start
Format: Four-Player Low Gross/Low Net Combined
Entry: $45 Members, $70 Non-Members
- Players must have a GHIN handicap. Handicap is 75% of GHIN index.
- One Gross and One Net score per hole, cannot be the same player
- Four “Closest to the Pins”
- Payout based on entries
- Create a four-person team, or we will assign you to a group.
Age 70 and older, GOLD TEES (64.5 rating)
Age 55-69, SILVER TEES (66.8 rating)
Age 54 and younger, WHITE TEES (69.7 rating)
Deadline to register is Monday, November 14.
Mike Musialowski, Head Pro Lancaster Golf Club, at 803-416-4500